Can Quantum Computing Reveal the True Meaning of Quantum Mechanics? - The Nature of Reality �...�Quantum mechanics says not merely that the world is probabilistic, but that it uses rules of probability that no science fiction writer would have had the... Comment.

Graham P: Quantum aspects of modern physics show that the universe appears lumpy, digitized or otherwise discrete, but with an underlying fuzzy logic where truth states of Boolean (yes or no) questions have probabilistic values. It seems our world is somewhat like a continuous (complex numbered) analogue world that is projected on to a discrete or digital projection that we experience. In some ways this is similar to digital renders in 3D Virtual Reality games, but the logic involved is more like that run on theoretical quantum computers.  To some this suggests our world may be a VR world run on a futuristic quantum computer. I suspect the process may be more natural but still have many similarities to a virtual rather than a real world. Thus causing the idea of our world being a virtual quantum simulation as a useful analogy.      

"A Big Bang creation event is no longer necessary"